Page 10 - 2019aprilmay
P. 10
. . . And The Beat Goes On, And On, And On
By Dave Friant
“Come on, Michelle.”
It’s the phrase quietly uttered to herself by Charline Conger, the
81-year-old heart transplant recipient, during bowling competitions
at the Transplant Games of America. “I think about Michelle
constantly during the Games, and remain so thankful that her heart a part of Conger’s life until 1997. She was approached by a local
allows me to continue living,” says Conger. She received the new professional bowler at that time who asked if she wanted someone
heart on November 28, 1989, the date she now views as her second to teach her. Conger said “yes” and became a league bowler within
birthday. the year. She taught neighborhood youth the finer points of the game
While recovering in 1986 from a “routine” surgical procedure, for 18 years.
Conger contracted a viral infection that affected her energy and During the first 12 months of her newfound form of recreation,
resulted in a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy. Her health declined this lady of the lanes met an employee from Baylor New Hearts
for the next three years. Analyses from a stress test and heart and Lungs who acquainted her with the Transplant Games. The
catheterization determined that she was in need of a transplant. Games involve competitive participation by donors and recipients
Conger was placed on the national list and underwent the operation in upwards of 20 events. The number of medal-seeking participants
approximately one month later in her home state of Louisiana. The topped 500 during the latest Games in August 2018. From 1998
donor was a 21-year-old female suicide victim named Michelle who through last year’s event in Salt Lake City, Conger has been present
additionally provided other organs for needed recipients. The match for each of the every-other-year Games held within the USA. She
had to be perfect in a variety of realms before the operation could has won bowling competitions during the overwhelming majority
take place. Conger’s defective ticker was not totally tossed aside. . . of those occasions, going back to earlier years and since she has
she had two good valves which were used for others in subsequent entered the “Over 70” division. Conger contends in both the
medical undertakings. female singles and mixed doubles categories. Her average score
Dr. John Ochsner conducted the several hours long operation at for league play in Euless is in the mid-120’s. She steps it up a bit
Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans. “I was #58 of the first during the Transplant Games and averages in the mid-150’s, citing
100 transplants. All were considered experimental. I was told I had the heart-related assistance from Michelle. Conger is currently the
a fifty-fifty chance of surviving without a new heart. Very few of oldest participant in the Games from the Lone Star State. She has
the 100 are still with us,” states Conger. After the detailed medical additionally won Texas Hold’Em events at the Games.
handiwork, Conger was told to plan on another 3-5 years of life “if Val Markussen has enjoyed the pleasure of being a part of Conger’s
lucky.” league-bowling life for the past 10 years. “She always exhibits
Conger is the mother of 6 children, and grandparent to 26 a zest for life with a smile on her face. She bowls and handles
grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great- administrative duties within the one of the leagues for which we are
grandchildren. Hers was a life in southeast Louisiana until a move to a part, and continues to remain positive regardless of her scores,”
south Texas in 1958, and a move to Euless in 1996. A widow since says Markussen.
1994, she considers it a privilege to have taken care of her husband Beyond the scores and prestige associated with being a force within
during the life-ending complications he had with larynx cancer. the Transplant Games is Conger’s commitment to the need for organ
Conger has enjoyed good health, all things considered, since the donations. She volunteers with an awareness organization known
transplant. She sees a cardiologist twice yearly and continues to be as LifeGift. Additionally, she has been a part of health fairs during
on anti-rejection medication and steroids. Two knee replacements recent years which emphasize the importance of allowing someone
(December 2017 and February 2018) and a facial cancer have put a to experience continued life through the aid of others.
small dent in her active lifestyle, but not to the point of abandoning Charline Conger continues to be a life worthy of emulation. With
her positive approach to life. She cheerfully proclaims, “I’m just significant medical odds against her, she refuses to allow the missed
grateful to be alive and continuously thank God for the new heart pins of life to be a discouragement. She carries on quite well with
which He allowed me to have.” the heart of another.
Although a significant activity for her husband, bowling was not Thank you, Michelle!
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