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What's Happening...
What's Happening...
April/May 2019
April/May 2019
Looking for FUN and FREE activities? Join the Celebration Team at The SPOT at
Celebration for our monthly Lunch and Learns, Parties, Exercise Classes and
FREE Exercise Classes
Tuesday - Low Impact Aerobics 10:45 am Monday Movie Madness
Wednesday - Tai Chi 9:15am
Thursday - Chair Aerobics 10:45am
Watch Second Hand Lions at The SPOT!
Enjoy a FREE MOVIE with FREE Hot Dogs,
Self Care Treats Workshop with Donna White Popcorn, Candy, and Soft Drinks on us!
Thursday, April 25th 3:00pm
We will be reviewing the Release Treat™ and everyone will have the opportunity to
reinforce or learn for the first time how to use “Tapping” to release limiting negative
emotions or beliefs that keep us from feeling good.
Moving Made Easy Brunch
Saturday, April 27th 10:00am Second hand lions
Have you thought about a move, downsizing, or are just gathering information for the
future? Join our trusted panel of experts for a brunch and learn more about the tools May 20th 6:00pm
you need to make a successful and smooth move.
Hidden Health Risks Revealed - Lunch and Learn SPACE IS LIMITED!
Tuesday, April 30th 12:00pm CALL TODAY TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE!
Join Synexus for a FREE Lunch and Learn to hear about Hidden Health Risks. This The SPOT at Celebration
educational program will be conducted by a Research Physician from Synexus. Box 1350 East Arapaho Rd Suite 126
lunches served. Reserve your space TODAY! Richardson, Texas 75081
RSVP: 469-532-2622
Monday Movie Madness!
Monday, May 20th 6:00pm FREE Hearing Screenings &
Join Celebration for a private showing of Second Hand Lions on Celebration’s big Hearing Aid Maintenance at
screen and enjoy all your favorite classic movie munchies like popcorn, candy, soda,
and hotdogs! This is a FREE event!! SPACE IS LIMITED!! The SPOT!
4th Thursday of each month
UTD Center for Vital Longevity Education Presentation 10:00am to 12:00pm
Thursday, May 23rd 2:00pm
UTD’s Center for Vital Longevity is focused on understanding how and why our brain’s Includes:
structure and function change with age. During this educational talk, the fNIM lab Battery Changes | Filter Cleaning | Change Domes
will discuss why we research memory and healthy aging and how they relate to age- Call 469-532-2622 to reserve your time.
related diseases such as dementia. Refreshments served.
1350 E. Arapaho Rd Suite 126 | Richardson, TX 75081
SPOT HOURS: Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm | Fridays 9:00am to 2:00pm
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