Page 12 - 2019aprilmay
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A Lifetime of Stuff Can Be Complicated
by Jay McMahon
hrough the years, a home grows to reflect the people inside.
When it’s time for your next chapter, it can be extremely
Tdifficult to ensure you and your family’s treasures are valued.
If you're considering downsizing or have a home full of things benefits of the latest e-commerce technology. There have been many
you need to manage, consider bringing the sale of your belongings developments in online secondhand marketplaces dramatically
online and be sure to find a changing the landscape
partner who can help you for selling personal goods,
navigate the complexity. making online sales more
Beyond the emotional lucrative and convenient
than ever. Instead providing
impact, there are a number access to a couple hundred
of practical challenges that people, millions of
you face when dealing with potential buyers, including
a lifetime of things. It can many serious collectors,
be cumbersome to find view your items. The wide
time in busy schedules, exposure enables you to
manage family members’ maximize profits.
expectations, choose the
right items to sell, make If you are considering
trips to donation centers, a move or just looking
find the right selling partner for a way to downsize
and pay for the removal of your belongings you can
unwanted items. join Everything But The
House (EBTH) at the
Historically, local estate Moving Made Easy Brunch
sale partners and estate Saturday, April 27th at
auctions have served as 10:00 am. You can learn
excellent tools to sell household items and collectibles, but they are more about the differences in estate sale services and how EBTH
not able to go the extra step and help manage all aspects of dealing does things for the better! If you are unable to attend the presentation
with the full contents of a home. With so many of us entering into look for their ad in this issue of Celebration Magazine. Put your
our golden years a number of local and national organizations have cherished items in good hands and let them do the heavy lifting.
begun offering service packages to help ease the burden of these
transitions. Many of these services are a great help when unloading Meet EBTH at Moving Made Easy at The SPOT on April 27th. For
items but few are able to combine their offerings with the monetary more information and to RSVP to attend see page 14.
Is There a Move in Your Future?
D oes just the thought of moving overwhelm you? by Bridget Bell
Are you thinking you will make a move one day but don’t
know where to start? Does just the thought of moving
overwhelm you? If so, you are not alone! A downsizing move means unlike any other move they have made in the past and the good news
is you don’t need to do this alone!
something different for each person. Perhaps for you it means selling
everything you have and traveling the world. For many, maintaining When it comes to getting your home sold, one of the first questions
a home and worrying about the next hail storm causes enough stress downsizing sellers ask is, “should I move first?” Moving first is by
that they say enough! For others the kitchen is “closed” and heading far the easiest thing to do. This way you can take what you need to
to a nicely prepared meal sounds like heaven! Financial advisors your new home and then liquidate through various means the things
often suggest selling your home to tap into the equity in your home you don’t need. Homes that are vacant but look clean, fresh and well
and downsizing to reduce expenses. Whatever your reasons, the first maintained send a message of move in ready. It makes showings
thing you need to do is create a plan. easy for buyers and lets them know they can move quickly. And
getting your home sold quickly moves you closer to your goal of
The first phase of creating your plan involves doing some research enjoying your new lifestyle!
and information gathering. Take some time with this step even if
you haven’t fully decided whether you intend to move. Having a Meet Bridget Bell at Moving Made Easy at The SPOT on April 27th.
plan in place is an important part of the process, even if your plans For more information and to RSVP to attend see page 14.
continue to evolve. Be proactive about your plan so that you have
the most choices and control. For most people a downsizing move is
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