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Self Care Treats™
When We Feel Good. - Life is Easier! Part 3
by Donna White
our power to feel good is right now in this moment! What
would happen if you no longer had a reason or excuse to not no longer serves us may seem daunting and almost impossible. So,
Yfeel good? What if you had to find a reason or excuse every instead of eliminating the old belief, begin choosing new thoughts
day to feel good? that feel good and practice thinking the new thoughts until a new and
more empowering belief is created. The best time to begin creating a
How are you feeling right now? If you are not feeling good, why new belief is when we are already feeling good.
not? If you are feeling good, why? Take a sheet of paper and write
your reasons for how you are feeling. For Example: Here is a sample of the RESTORE TREATS™ to help you have
I Do Not Feel Good Because: I Feel Good Because: more appreciation for your life and create your new empowering
I have arthritis that hurts. The sun is shining. belief:
I don’t have any money. My grandkids are coming to visit. • Find a pretty journal or just a sheet of paper and begin a practice
It’s raining outside. I have wonderful friends. of appreciation.
How many things on your list are conditions that you have the power • At the top of the page or paper write “I APPRECIATE
to change or control right now? Probably not any or very few, which ________“ : Fill in the blank with a person’s name, a place, or
can make us feel powerless. Would you like to be more empowered anything that you really appreciate having in your life.
and in control of how you feeling, regardless of the conditions in • Write a list of the reasons for your appreciation, the more
your life? The conditions that you are focused on right now that reasons the better.
do not feel good or do feel good are because of the thoughts you
are thinking about those conditions. So, could feeling good be as • Read each of the reasons and write the emotions you feel at the
easy as just making a decision that you are going to feel good no bottom of the page.
matter what is going on around you? The answer is YES! It’s about • Repeat this practice daily at a time when you are feeling good,
taking back your power and control of how you feel right now in this maybe first thing in the morning or just before bedtime.
moment. Your power is in your now, not what happened yesterday
or what will happen tomorrow, it is about what you are feeling right Enjoy this Restore TreatTM to help you feel good, because when
now. you feel good life is easier!
You are probably thinking, that makes sense, but if you were living Learn more about Self Care TreatsTM and how you can create new
in my life you would see that it is not that easy, and you would be empowering beliefs to feel good at our next Workshop in April at
right! The reason it not that easy is because choosing to feel good The Spot!
on purpose is not something we have been taught or have practiced
doing. Most people will accept our reasons or excuses to not feel
good and many will help you justify that you should feel bad. Yet,
people who seem to feel good most of the time are often chastised FREE
or called names like being a pollyanna or they have their head in the
sand and don’t face reality. Would you rather face the reality of the
Self Care Treats
conditions you see around you and feel bad or learn to deliberately Self Care Treats
choose to feel good? Now, how do we do that?
Let’s look at the example above that I don’t feel good because I WORKSHOP
don’t have any money. That statement may create a thought that I
cannot pay my bills, which may create a feeling of fear or insecurity.
That feeling of fear or insecurity does not feel good and will not
change the condition of not having any money. So, do we have to
feel good about not having any money? The answer is no! However,
it is possible to feel good and still not have any money. What we April 25th | 3:00pm
really want is to feel peace and security. Close your eyes right now
and take a deep breath and imagine what peace and security would Learn how Self Care Treats™
feel like. If you can get a sense of peace and security, you just can help you Release, Relax
deliberately created a good feeling. You can deliberately feel bad
or feel good even if the condition of not having any money is still and Restore your daily life!
the same.
Self Care Treats™ are simple, easy practical new habits that can
help us feel good right now regardless of the conditions in our life. The SPOT at Celebration
The SPOT at Celebration
In the last article I introduced the Release Treat™, also called EFT 1350 East Arapaho Rd Suite 126
or Tapping to help us release negative emotions and habits causing 1350 East Arapaho Rd Suite 126
Richardson, Texas 75081
us to feel bad. Remember, a belief is only a thought that we keep Richardson, Texas 75081
RSVP: 469-532-2622
thinking over and over until that thought becomes habitual. Some RSVP: 469-532-2622
of those beliefs serve us and some do not. Eliminating a belief that
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