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Still At It. . . Competing Between The White Lines
By Dave Friant
he Metroplex Senior Citizens Softball Association
(MSCSA) was formed in 1980 to satisfy the ball-playing
Tdesires of “older” athletes. Providing an avenue for
organized exercise with a sizeable dose of competition, its’
popularity has remained constant over the years.
Three self-determined levels of skill are used to comprise the “I view the relationships between the guys as most important.
participants in both the East and West of Metroplex senior slo- There is a lot of support amongst the players one toward the
pitch softball. The other,” says Duncan.
“A” & “B” divisions His is a task that must
include those 55 years take into consideration
of age and older. health and mobility
Those participating in limitations while
the “C” division must balancing the desire to
be at least 65 years play innings. “These
old. No indication are guys who you can
exists of anyone being count on,” continues
“carded” on the field Duncan.
for age verification. Allen Moody is 88
. . trust is a given years old and has been
for these 7-inning a slo-pitch softball
battlers. While aficionado for 20
overwhelmingly male, years. Although some
the fairer sex (not medical concerns over
so much on these recent months have
softball diamonds) limited his playing time, he continues to be a Flyer. He coached
also compete and do so without desire for “she’s just a lady” the team for 10 years. Moody had earlier played baseball and
accommodations. Contests take place twice-a-week from fast-pitch softball going back to his much earlier days in high
April through October with a halt in the action for 6 weeks school and in the military. He additionally played with the Fort
during the mid-summer. Worth Senior Cats in the early 1990’s.
Very much adhered to Association goals include development “I’ve had my time and understand my limitations,” says Moody.
of lasting friendships, athletic competition, and varying While for the most part a pinch-hitter and occasional substitute
degrees of exercise that cannot be duplicated in the toxic defensively, he continues to receive support and encouragement
confines of a crowded gym. Modifications to baserunning from his ball diamond cohorts and his spouse, Betty Ann.
and pitching rules exist to compensate for the tolls age have Moody views his twice-a-week activities on the field as a “good
had on the somewhat beyond prime physiques. Teams at bat outlet” to socialize with team members and opponents. As he
are responsible each inning for providing a plate umpire and states, “It’s a healthy activity both physically and mentally.
base umpires. Reasonable per player fees are paid to handle Always nice to win and we attempt to do just that, but you also
various league administrative and complex use costs. 600 or have to be a good loser.”
so players on 28 teams lace up the spikes (or moderately priced
New Balance athletic shoes) and take to the fields in fourteen These are folks who have a seize the remaining years mentality;
Metroplex cities throughout the season. partly to satisfy the desire for continuing competition and more
Yes, it’s a big deal. importantly to fulfill their desire for fine-tuned relationships.
Limitations? Yes, the edges are somewhat worn. They get it.
Emphasis for my exploration of Tarrant County’s sultans of Such is life. Only occasional successful attempts these days to
swat were the Hurst Mid-Cities Flyers. The roster is comprised backhand a shot in the hole at short and nail the runner at first.
of 17 or so players, ranging in age from the mid-60’s to nearly More commonplace nowadays are doubts about stretching
90. I was fortunate during a portion of the earlier summer that gapper hit to right center into a stand-up double. What
months to be in attendance at three of their Tuesday mid- formerly were tape jobs on bats now consist of “strap on the
morning clashes. They are a joy to watch and an inspiration. wraps” tasks to various portions of the body. It’s a matter of
Skills are still apparent. The squad is part of the 12-team “C” revving up aspects of their existence toward the goal of a more
Division within the West and are close to the top of the heap fulfilling life.
with respect to wins and losses. Take in a game or two during the cooler months when the
Dan Duncan guides the ship as the player/manager of the team. temperatures become more bearable. Take a “to go” breakfast
He is 71 years old and typically handles hot-corner duties as order to a nearby complex (check the MSCSA website) and
their 3rd baseman. Duncan has coached the Flyers for the last applaud the efforts undertaken.
four seasons. While citing the competitive nature of the game Batter up. Play ball!
and win-loss record as important, Duncan cites the comradery
aspect of the twice-a-week interactions as the key to his
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