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Be Joyful and Celebrate Each Day

                                                                        by Mary Frances Hansen
              hange is great when you are younger and it is adventurous.   retail stores are now being replaced by the
              For some of us seniors, sometimes change  is hard and   internet.
        Cwe become resistant to it.  We are creatures of habit and   Back when I growing up …....the authority figures were Dad and
        routine becomes automatic. We become set in our ways and are   your teachers, not government services. There was no talking back
        comfortable living our life styles.                    to authority figures, that just wasn't done. We had a different set
        ”Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist   of  social rules. Respect was demanded from our parents.  There
        them that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things   were no birth control pills and no sex before marriage. Neighbors
        flow natural forward in whatever way they like.” LaoTzu  watched out for each other and if you broke a rule, your neighbor
         I grew up in the 50's known as “Happy Days!” Unfortunately, I   would inform your parents and you would get a spakning on
        compare living 50 years ago to today, because life was so different.    your bottom. We had to be polite to everyone.  There were no
        How many times as seniors do we start our conversations   supermarkets only grocery stores. Grocery shopping was done
        with...”back in our days?” My how things have changed. I know   maybe a few times a month. My mother planned all of our meals
        each generation faces changes. In my era there are significant   and even had plans for leftovers. So many people now order their
        changes as we move out the World War11 generation into the 21st   groceries and food on line and have them delivered. We didn't have
        Century.                                               fast food restaurants therefore we only ate out at restaurants on
                                                               special occasions. It was a real privilege to eat out and children
         Modern technology is changing our society and our everyday lives.   were on their best behavior. I remember going to the movies for
        We didn't have microwaves and only black and white television,   25cents. Writing thank you notes or letters and sending them by
        no computers or cell phones. 50 years ago most everyone only   “snail mail” is now antiquated and not the norm. These are just a
        had a home phone.  Most people today do not have home phones   few things that came to my mind as I was reminiscing .
        because 77% of people  now have smart phones and they don't
        feel the need to have a land line. If we needed to get in touch with   Sometimes when I get overwhelmed with all the modern
        someone we just picked up the telephone and called them. People   technology and changes I stop and recite the Serenity Prayer, “God
        interact with each other completely different today. Talking on the   grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage
        telephone has been replaced by texting or sending an email. 78%   to change the the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
        of American people have a laptop or a desktop at home according   Moving forward …..I know in order to embrace changes we must
        to the Census Data.                                    “roll  with  the  punches”  and  embrace  changes  with  a  “positive
        It is amazing how many  people work from their homes now, in   attitude.” This is one of our greatest assets to help us enjoy the
        lieu of going to a physical location. Paper books are now being   world around us, living one day at a time, enjoying each moment,.
        replaced with digital versions. So many people order on line, and   There is good in everyday life … find it!

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