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What's Inside Celebration Magazine?

         4   Be Joyful and Celebrate Each Day

         6   Stay Cool With The Grand Kids

         8   Still At It. . . Competing Between The White Lines

        10   You Know You're Old When...

        12   What's Happening at The SPOT at Celebration?
        13   Out&About with Celebration Magazine

        14  Summer Recipe: Watermelon Sangria

        16   Recreational Center Guide

        24  Book Review: In The Rearview Mirror

        26  Book Review: Amazing Things Came To Be

        32  Celebration Senior Travel - Where Are We Going NEXT?

        34  Spectacular Follies, Spectacular Ladies                                                         14

        36  USO Donations Drop Off - The SPOT at Celebration

        38  The Spectacular Follies Present a 'New Attitude' for 2019

        42  Lions Club Eyeglass Drive

        44  Reflections

        46  Everyone's Story Matters

        48  Carol's Corner - Get Your Good News Here!                                                       34

        50  Get Your "Deli on" in Dallas

        54  The Evolution and History of the Showgirl

        56  I Love Games

        58  Summer Recipe: Watermelon Sorbet

        60  Dinner Theaters for Your Evening Entertainment

        62  Dance Calendar                                                                                 56

        64  Events, Recreation Center and Advertising Partners

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