Page 12 - Emag_AugSept2019
P. 12
You Know You're Old When...
by Rose-Mary Rumbley
ou know you're old when you remember purchasing
Travelers Cheques, opening a Christmas Club
YAccount, or being given a toaster for opening an
account at your local bank.
I use to travel a lot. I've slowed down some, but I couldn't heaven! In fact, I plan to give the money to my church!
turn down a cruise with the Celebration staff and friends Why not! It's money from heaven.
this August. While I was at the bank, I asked the teller if she ever read
But, rest assured I travel today with a credit card that is the comics. I didn't give her a chance to answer, because I
accepted anywhere, so I don't need Travelers Cheques for went on to tell her of the latest episode of CRANKSHAFT,
any tour. the cartoon about the school bus driver who hates kids.
However, between 1891 and 1991, Travelers Cheques were Mr. Crankshaft was banned from his bank, because he
very, very popular. American Express developed a large- caused trouble there. He came in with his Christmas Club
scale international travelers checque system in 1891, when Account. The young tellers didn't know what it was. He
the CEO of the company, J. C. Fargo, had trouble in small explained that people use to save up for Christmas, and
European cities getting funds from his "line of credit." then when Christmas shopping days arrived, they had the
The system took off in a big way and really flourished money in their Christmas Club Account to pay for all of
until about 1991, when credit and debit cards were the their purchases. "What a unique idea!" exclaimed one of
acceptable way of purchasing items anywhere. the young tellers!
I was rummaging in my desk the other day, and lo and I still have a toaster that I got when I opened an account
behold, I found some Traveler's Cheques. How could I at one of the banks. In bygone days, customers expected
have possibly missed them? They were the same as cash! gifts!
I rushed to my bank and presented them to the teller, who Those days are over! But we remember--in the case of
said, "Haven't seen these is a while!" I immediately asked bygone days, there were also Green Stamps one could
"Are they good?" She told me to sign them and I'd receive redeem for great awards!
their cash value. I was so excited. This was money from
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