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Our Exciting Sixteen Day Transatlantic Cruise

                                                                       by Mary Frances Hansen

                e  flew  to  Rome,  Italy,  on  October  12th  to  start  our   today. We also witnessed the  hundreds of
                wonderful vacation by revisiting some of the amazing    people protesting against their government.
        Wsights  starting  with  the  Pantheon,  Spanish  Steps,   You may have seen it on the world news.
        Coliseum, Trevi Fountain and the Vatican!While in the vicinity we   At this point we had a chance to catch our
        dined at Al Fresco, our favorite outside restaurant in the Piazza   breath with a relaxing sea day.  We sailed through the straights of
        Nervona.  We  started  with  classic  Pizza  Margarita  followed  by   Gibraltar, which is a narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean
        traditional  spaghetti  while  we  were  serenaded  by  musicians   to  the  Mediterranean  Sea  and  separates  Gibraltar  and  Spain  in
        in the Piazza. The next morning we took the train to the port in   Europe from Morocco in Africa. Later we arrived in the south of
        Civitavecchia to start our exiting 16 day transatlantic cruise. We   Spain at Cadiz.  This is one of the oldest continuously occupied
        chose this cruise because it had 9 different ports of call, and the   cities in Europe dating back 3100 years.  I must say, shopping was
        ship had only 6 sea days that were broken up by our various stops.    fantastic with great selections at fabulous prices.  From here, we
        There are usually 7 straight sea days on these crossings.  cruised up the coast to where we arrived in Lisbon, Portugal.  The
        One of the greatest things about these long cruises, you meet so   streets were filled with excitement as they were having their annual
        many interesting people from all                       42k Marathon  Run which is held every October.  We  had another
                                                               relaxing  sea  day  and  a  900  mile  journey  to  the  Azores,  where
        over the world. Since Texas is a country of it's own, we felt proud   we  visited  Ponta  Delgada.   This  island  is  noted  for  hot  springs,
        to say we were from the big “D,” Dallas, Texas. On our the first   botanical gardens and crater lakes.  We were pretty well worn out
        day of our cruise we were fortunate to meet the “perfect couple”   by this time and welcomed three restfull days at sea as we continued
        of  37  years,  Russ  and  Helena  who  were  from  Broken  Arrow,   across the Atlantic to Bermuda.  We had an overnight  at the Royal
        Oklahoma. This couple were so charming and delightful, we spent   Naval Dockyard on this beautiful island surrounded by crystal clear
        a lot of time with them, Helena is a proud Native American of the   waters.  It is a haven for divers and snorkelers alike.  From Bermuda
        Creek Nation.  We learned so much about their customs, rituals and   we headed for our first stop back in the USA, Port Canaveral.  Many
        language. Helena is a beautiful woman                                       passengers  were  interested  in  visiting
        not only on the outside, but her “inner                                     the Kennedy Space Center, while others
        beauty”radiated. When  they  found  out                                     were  off  to  see  Universal  Studios  and
        Richard  had  performed  as  a  Singer/                                     Disney  World.    After  16  days  on  the
        Impressionist  Headline  Entertainer  on                                    ship, we arrived at our final destination,
        many  cruise  ships,  they  immediately                                     Miami, Florida.  We got up early and sat
        wanted to recommend him to the Creek                                        on the open deck drinking our coffee as
        Nation  Entertainment  Committee  for                                       we watched the beautiful sunrise on the
        their  annual  Valentine  Party, which  is                                  Miami Skyline.
        held at their Casino in Oklahoma. Of
        course, I had to brag on my fabulous                                        We can now add Bermuda and Ponta
        husband, (his greatest admirer) and told                                    Delgada  to  our  list  of  places  we  have
        them to go to RichardBarryProductions.                                      visited.    This  now  brings  us  to  138
        com and they could see how talented he                                      countries and all 7 continents.  Richard
        is.                                                                         and I feel so blessed to be travel
                                                                                    consultants  for  Celebration  Senior
        While blessed with fantastic weather                                        Travel  and  continue  our  adventures
        for  our  entire  trip,we  enjoyed  eating                                  with so many of the wonderful travelers
        outside during the day on Deck 12 .  We                                     we meet over the years through
        were greeted each day as we entered the                                     Celebration.  I encourage all my readers
        dining area by a Filipino crew member                                       to check out our upcoming trips in 2020,
        playing  his  guitar  and  singing  along                                   and see which ones you want to put on
        with  the  happy  “washi  washi  greeter                                    your bucket list.  As George Burns once
        ” spraying our hands as we entered to                                       said, “You can't help getting older, but
        insure our health and safety. They were                                     you don't have to grow old!”  You are
        precious and so much fun!                                                   never too old to set a new goal or dream
        Our lst  port of call was in Livorno, Italy.                                a new dream.  As seniors, we want to
        From there, we took a train to Luca, a                                      keep on keeping on until we can't keep
        Medieval Walled City dating back to the                                     on any more!
        3rd century BC, which became a Roman colony in 180 BC . On   As an added note.... I'd like to add a funny story of a day at sea I am
        our way back to Livorno we stopped in Pisa to revisit the “Leaning   sure will make our fearless leader, Debra Saxon, laugh. I am not a
        Tower of Pisa” to make sure it hadn't fallen over. (lol)  To climb   t-shirt person ,but I thought it would be nice to wear my Celebration
        to the top is 297 steps and takes about 30 minutes. (We did that in   Senior Travel T-shirt.  Lo and behold..... I forgot there was writing
        our in our younger days! ) Our next stop was in Cannes, France,   on  the  back  that  said,  “If  you  want  to  win  a  free  cruise,  follow
        where we strolled along the sea on the  Boulevard de la Croisette   me  to  booth  363”.  (This  is  just  one  more  example  of  husbands
        to see the famed Palais des Festivals, and of course, stop for a Cafe   not being very observant of what their wives are wearing.) I had
        Aulait.  Most of you probably know it as the place for the Cannes   people coming up to me, “ Where is the booth to sign up for a free
        Film  Festival.  Our  next  port  of  call  was  Barcelona,  Spain.    We   cruise?”(lol) After a little confusion on my part and a good laugh,
        always admire the breath taking architecture and needless to say,   I  explained  it  was  the  2019  Travel  Show  in  Dallas  Texas.  This
        Gaudi's famous unfinished Cathedral, la Segrada Familia, which   was a great way to  get a plug in for people to read our fabulous
        went  under  construction  in  1882,  and  is  still  under  construction   Celebration Magazine on line from wherever they live!•

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