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Let’s “Start the Bidding” for Worthwhile Causes
by Dave Friant
t began some 15 years ago when Dean McCurry accepted Dean is very personable and maintains a make things happen
the request to conduct the calling at his kiddo’s school approach regarding the efficiency of his company. He is intent
Ibingo game. After receiving thumbs up for the effort from on providing well beyond the norm service to non-profits and
a number of attendees, he was asked to be the auctioneer at the causes which serve those in need. During our question and
school’s auction. No experience brought to the table. No real answer session, McCurry provided several seconds of his
idea as to exactly what to do. But his enthusiasm and “give it a bid-calling chanting voice. He’s really good. It’s a developed
shot” approach led him to take on the responsibility. The event proficiency that is rarely used to the fullest extent during events.
went extremely well and resulted in the raising of $30,000 from The key element in bid-calling for benefit auctions is a easy to
$5,000 a year before. understand auctioneer’s chant, not necessarily speed.
Such was the first “side thing” McCurry views
part-time/weekend auction his father as an
calling endeavor that over inspirational figure
subsequent years evolved into in his life and the
DM Auction Services. McCurry primary influence
retired from his Director of towards being of
Sales position with Western assistance to others.
Digital in 2009 and decided to Lonnie Dean “Primo”
pursue the interest full-time. The McCurry died at the
Castle Hills company since its’ age of 90 in 2010.
inception has been exclusively “Primo” was an All-
involved in fundraising auctions American football
for organizations supporting player at Texas Tech
needs for schools, churches, University. He was
senior citizens, military additionally a Marine
veterans, and other non-profit and fought against the
causes. Included in this number Axis Powers in Iwo
was Celebration’s 2018 Halloween Cake Auction which raised Jima-Guadalcanal-Bougainville and Guam!
money for veterans and their families. Dean is not engaged in DM Auction Services prides itself on providing full- service
cattle or car auctions but focused entirely on benefit auctions. attention to all elements of a fundraiser. McCurry makes it a
DM Auctions Services employs 25-30 part-time Auctioneers, point to meet with the key people involved before proceeding.
Support Staff, Raffle Professionals and 3rd Party vendors Desired is a complete understanding of the needs of the non-
(memorabilia-entertainment-event planners-etc.) Various profit group. Combined with experienced auctioneers and
charities over the nine years of operation have taken in support staff is top-notch bidding technology. The company
approximately 45 million dollars. McCurry estimates they take offers trips, concerts, music, celebrity appearances, memorabilia,
the lead on between 75-100 fundraising auctions a year, almost and even a colorblind Christian speed painter as add-ons during
solely within the state of Texas. the festivities. These are the elements that define DM Auction
The primary organizer of the efforts is married and the father Services and make them a sound choice for non-profit auctions.
of three children. His spouse, Gail, works within the group “I think human beings have an innate desire to help each other.
and is a vital part of the talent collection. McCurry is a full- And whether you’re in medicine or anything else, if you see
fledged Licensed Auctioneer (#16260) and has taken the courses someone that you can help. . . you get a gratification from doing
necessary to become skilled in his work. As indicated by a service it. In fact, I think that is perhaps the most important fabric that
organization Special Projects Director with whom DM Auction holds the society together.” -Dr. Michael E. DeBakey •
Services rendered its’ services, McCurry is able to motivate the
crowd and is “beyond dynamic” when conducting live auctions.
During my interview with him, it became apparent that McCurry
is in the midst of a rewarding season of life; one in which he can
exercise his desire to “be a difference in the lives of people.” He
indicates, “If I can help others to create a better life for themselves
and others, I find it to be a positive contribution to the world.
It’s a feel-good job and I’m comfortable in doing it.” For the
older segment of the population so often found to be searching
for continued relevance, McCurry suggests a “get involved” and
“supportive” approach to life. “Seniors have been there and done
it,” he states. "Seniors can easily get involved with charitable
organizations as so many worthwhile causes need support."
Photos by Jay Sonata Photography
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