Page 10 - Emag_FebMarch2020
P. 10

Where There’s A WILL, There’s A Way

                                                                           by Dave Friant
                 here  are  millions of  people  out  there  ignoring
                 disabilities  and accomplishing  incredible  feats.   I   An  overwhelming  amount  of
        “Tlearned you can learn to do things differently, but do   support and assistance from friends,
        them just as well.  Never allow the circumstances of your life to   neighbors, and fellow bowlers has
        become an excuse.“ - Jim Abbott *                      served as a remedy for the gloom that accompanied the devastating
                                                               news.   Folks have pitched in with tangible acts of helpfulness.  “I’m
        William “Will” Syner has been a Texan for the entirety of his 63   amazed at the kindness that comes about during difficult times.
        years of life.  Born in El Paso, he is currently a single divorcee   Those feelings are already there, and become active when situations
        residing in Keller.  Syner retired in 2015 as an A & P Mechanic for   call for it,” says Syner.  Major help with the installation of an access
        American Airlines.                                     ramp at his apartment and a sit-down shower top the list.
        Bowling has been an off and on part of Syner’s recreational life   Ann Dronen has been the single-most supportive “other” in his life
        since his early teenage years.  It’s a sport where focused attention   since the amputation.  She has known Syner through bowling for
        to technique and comradery with teammates and opponents makes   three years and provided transportation to doctor appointments and
        for enjoyable outings.  Above average in terms of skill level, he   rehabilitation sessions during the spring and summer.  Dronen is
        became a competitive league bowler                                             amazed when reflecting on how
        in 2011 within the western part of                                             Syner has handled the  matter  of
        the Metroplex.                                                                 having a leg removed.  “He had an
        In  early  January  2019,  Syner                                               ‘it has to be done, let’s get it over
        encountered a medical situation that                                           with’ approach to the matter.  Since
        has since changed his life.   What                                             the operation, I have rarely seen him
        appeared initially to be a harmless                                            without a smile,’’ says Dronen.
        foot injury from stepping on a carpet                                          Bowling upon his return to the
        tack turned into a wound that failed                                           lanes in  August has been via a
        to heal properly.  A vascular doctor                                           wheelchair.   At the time of this
        was called in and diagnosed the case                                           writing, Syner anticipates a return
        as a severe circulatory condition                                              to “regular” bowling in February
        known as Peripheral  Vascular                                                  with his prosthetic leg.  He is
        Disease (PVD).   Two weeks after                                               currently   competing in three
        an unsuccessful artery surgery, Will                                           leagues; wheeling himself to the
        received the news that amputation of                                           foul line with ball-in-hand and
        his right leg three inches above his                                           carefully attempting to roll it with
        knee was necessary.   The surgery                                              some degree of accuracy.   With the
        took place on May 19.                                                          aid of a local professional bowler/
        Okay.  Now what?  Quality of life                                              instructor, Will has been the recipient
        issues suddenly become front and                                               of a few tips on this variation to
        center.  Might all the favorable                                               standard bowling.  The average is
        aspects of his existence come                                                  understandably down from his pre-
        screeching to a grinding halt and become merely rearview mirror   surgery days, but progress is being made.   He recalls an occasion
        recollections?   Would dependence on whoever steps up to the plate   during the summer when a youngster came up to him while he was
        for assistance provision be the order of the day for the foreseeable   bowling and mentioned how inspirational it was to watch him bowl.
        future?                                                “I’m so glad that my situation can help people,” says Will.
        Periods of hopelessness to varying degrees is always a part of limb   Medical realities in life which on occasion present themselves with
        removal recoveries.  It is to be expected.  Syner recalls an occasion   little or no warning are unquestionably challenges.  There seems
        when he looked under the hospital bed covers at the bandaged area   to be scarcely enough time to harness the resolve necessary to get
        which was once his leg.  He did shed some tears, but the affirmative   on with life.  Some folks are unable to find hope or the spiritual
        manner in which he handled the amputation was “beyond belief”   resources necessary to rebound from the obstacles thrown their way.
        as described by one of the attending nurses.   The doctors and   Others rise to the occasions with renewed strength and approaches
        rehabilitation personnel emphasize the impact of a positive attitude.    to their new seasons in life.
        Syner has adopted that approach.                       Will Syner is a committed participant in the latter category.
        Syner is content to move on with this new chapter.   “I can’t see   *Abbott is a former professional baseball player who pitched as a
        being mad at God or anyone else.  I ask God for help every night.    “lefty” with several major league teams during his 10-year career.
        I’ve always been a glass half full guy.  You can cry about your   He overcame the disability of a missing right hand at birth and
        situation or get up and make the best of it,” says Syner.    currently travels the country as a motivational speaker. •

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