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Richard Shaw: From Wall Street to Senior Housing Developer

                                                                                                   by Debra Saxon

                 eet  Richard  Shaw.  Richard  is  an  independent   Richard has two wonderful sons, whom he raised as a single
                 retirement  community  housing  developer  who  at   dad.  Brad, who also went to Oklahoma University and built
        M75 years young, knows a thing or two about what       and sold a successful internet business and Scott, who went
        seniors want in their new homes.                       to the University of Miami and graduated with a degree
        Born  and  raised  in  New  York  City  to  a  middle-income   in Biology and then went on to Tufts University where he
        family,  Richard  Shaw  loved  sports  as  a  kid,  especially   studied to become a Veterinarian.  Six months ago, Richard
        playing football.                                      got married after reconnecting with a business acquaintance
                                                               who is a financial advisor, when she contacted him about a
        As a young teenager getting ready to go to college, Richard   business opportunity.
        knew that he wanted to play football for a coach that would
        teach him not just about the game of football but also about   Richard has always had a love for seniors, and now that he is
        the  game  of  life.    Enter,  Bud  Wilkinson  -  Head  Coach  at   one himself, he understands how important it is to take care
        Oklahoma University whom                               of the community.
        he admired both on and off                                                        From Desoto, Fort  Worth,
        the field.                                                                        Sherman,  Little  Elm,  and
        Richard was not granted a                                                         Lubbock, Richard has built
        scholarship  to  play  football                                                   senior  housing  properties
        at OU. Instead, he was a                                                          that fit the lifestyle and
        "walk-on"  during  tryouts                                                        pocketbook  for  all  seniors.
        earning a place on the team                                                       His  concept  was  to  provide
        and  was  able  to  spend  the                                                    housing for seniors who
        next  two  years  playing  for                                                    were  moving  out  of  their
        the Sooners.  Unfortunately,                                                      homes, that they could
        an injury cut his time on the                                                     feel comfortable living in.
        field short.                                                                      All his communities were
                                                                                          single-story  properties  so
        Richard says that everything                                                      that his residents could walk
        about going to Oklahoma                                                           out their front door, plant a
        University from football,                                                         garden, and enjoy their new
        his education to the Alumni                                                       homes.
        Association  paved  his  way
        to  success.  He  says  that                                                      Richard   loves  working
        when he graduated from                                                            with seniors and  making
        OU, there was a job waiting                                                       sure that they have housing
        for  him  on  Wall  Street,                                                       that fits their income level.
        where  he  worked for  five                                                       He  reserves  20%  of  all  his
        years,  two  in  New  York                                                        properties  for  seniors  who
        City, then transferring to Dallas, Texas, with Bacha (bought   have lower-income to make sure that they also have a great
        out by Prudential).                                    place to live.
        Although Richard enjoyed his career working in the financial   In  2014,  Richard  purchased  land  in  East  Plano,  where  he
        world, he soon started acquiring real estate and properties as   is  building  his  newest  independent  senior  property,  The
        investments.  One of the rules of working on Wall Street was   Bridgemoor at Plano.  This unique property is nestled on a
        that you are not allowed to own any outside businesses, and   13-acre park along Rowlett Creek. The Bridgemoor at Plano
        since his real estate acquisitions had grown, he needed to   will have a large clubhouse, some covered parking, a fitness
        decide his future. In January 1971, Richard decided to quit   studio,  high-speed  internet  access,  on-site  activities,  and
        working for other people and go to work for himself.  This   scheduled transportation as well as a pet park, spa, picnic
        move proved to be a wise decision.                     area with barbeque grill, and an enclosed heated resort-style
                                                               pool and of course, your furry friends are welcome.
        Richard believes that "People are what is important in this
        world." So, he began using his Real Estate investments and   If you are looking for a new home in the Plano area, stop
        bought  a  few  smaller  properties  and  then,  in  the  1970s,   by and meet Richard.  He loves to personally meet all his
        started  building  his  own  properties.    Eventually,  he  found   residents and get to know them as family.
        the  TAX  CREDIT  program  through  a  gentleman  that  he   Don't forget to tell him that Celebration Magazine sent you!•
        knew in Washington DC who wrote the tax bill at the time   For more information, next ad next page.
        for the House of Representatives.

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