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There Is A Time And Season For Everything
by Mary Frances Hansen
eople will come into our life for a reason and for a season.
Some will leave footprints on our hearts and some will break
Pit. Life can be tough at times, but we know in reading God's
word...”There is a time for everything, and a season for every A great quote on the Power of Attitude. “Our
activity under the heavens....a time to weep, a time to laugh, a time lives are not determined by what happens to
to mourn, and a time to dance.” us, but by how we react to what happens; not
Life is a journey full of challenges and losses and no one is exempt. by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A
positive attitude cause a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events
All of a sudden our body doesn't work perfectly, the weather doesn't and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary
work perfectly, the economy doesn't financially work perfectly and results!” - Anonymous
no relationship works perfectly. As we go through life, understanding
some truths that will give each of us better perspectives as we face We all go through seasons of life. When I personally get down with
our trials, tribulations and losses in our lives and rise above them. what I call “situational depression,” I don't stay down long because
I get back up stronger than ever! I refuse to let my negative attitude
We all have experienced some kind of grief over our disappointments, override my positive attitude. There is a lesson to be learned in
losses, and our failing health as we age. Tragedy always produces every challenge we face. I start counting my blessings to overcome
strong emotions. I feel grief is essential for our health. It is a painful my negative thoughts because I know things could be worse.
emotion, but it can also be a healthy and helpful tool in coping with
our own individual situations. Alonzo Mourning, a professional basketball player. was faced with a
traumatic challenge. At the height of his professional career, he was
As I was reading an article about grief in a book it stated ... if a diagnosed with a kidney disease and underwent a kidney transplant.
person doesn't grieve over some things that have happened to them “Tough times don't last, but tough people do. I've been through some
in their lives, such as, hurts, disappointments or a loss in their tough times and I know a lot of people can recall tough times, and
family, it may mean they are out of touch with reality, or they are may be are going through some tough times now, but they don't
out of touch with their own emotions. last.” Alonzo Mourning
“When I kept things to myself, I felt weak deep inside of me. I We all face challenges in our lives. One choice can make us slaves to
moaned all day long.”Psalms 32:3 our circumstances, while the other choice empowers and motivates
Unfortunately, some people never deal with grief in their lives us to appreciate life more. It will give us a better understanding
and have a tendency to stuff it or push it down deep inside which what it means to persevere, to overcome and to have faith. We must
causes them to struggle with emotional stress. Grief is a normal embrace our adversities as our teachers and refuse to never give up.
response and is a tool that helps us get through the transitions of our Quote from God's word,“Let us not grow weary of doing good, for
lives. “God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” in due season we will reap if we do not give up.”
Matthew 5:8
November 9th | 1-2PM
Please Call (972) 678-3110
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