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Sleep & Aging: Solutions to Common Sleep Issues
by Dr. Kent Smith
here is a common misconception that, as we age, the amount impact your health if left untreated.
of sleep we need declines and that it is just a fact of life to Solution: See your physician and get a
Texpect our sleep quality to suffer a bit, too. However, nothing sleep study
could be further from the truth – sleep should be of paramount
importance if we are to safeguard our health, energy, and vitality. A sleep study is the first step to diagnosing the underlying cause
Here are a few common sleep issues that can develop with age and of persistent sleep issues. From there, you can explore treatment
options to manage your condition and restore your health.
practical ways to manage them.
Poor bedtime habits Chronic illnesses & medications
Chronic illnesses and medication side effects can sometimes
Drinking alcohol, smoking, and nighttime electronic use can hinder sleep, forcing you to treat a potentially life-threatening
all severely impede your brain and body’s ability to prepare for illness while also enduring sleep-inhibiting side effects.
Solutions: Avoid caffeine, alcohol & tobacco Solution: Speak with your doctor
Don’t hesitate to voice your concerns about side effects – it’s
Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants, so it’s easy to understand your doctor’s responsibility to find treatment options that best
why you should avoid them prior to bedtime. And while a nightcap contribute to your overall well-being.
may make it easier to fall asleep, studies have shown that alcohol
reduces the amount of time spent in restorative REM sleep. Lack of stimulation
Limiting consumption of these substances to the first part of the As we get older, social outings and regular exercise may become
day, or reducing your intake altogether, can significantly improve deprioritized or more difficult to schedule, which can, in turn,
your sleep quality. reduce happiness and ultimately affect sleep quality.
Use your bedroom exclusively for intimacy and sleep Solutions: Exercise
Your bedroom should be reserved for sleep and intimacy only – Exercise benefits your weight, mood, and health, all of which are
free from electronics, outside noises, and unnecessary light. Also, factors that influence sleep quality. Even a brief stroll outside can
put the thermostat down to 67 degrees and snuggle up under a nice, have a big impact.
heavy blanket! Quality rest is hugely impactful on your physical, mental, and
Undiagnosed sleep disorders emotional health. Monitoring your sleep patterns will ensure your
The risk of developing a sleep disorder such as insomnia, restless days are filled with the energy needed to enjoy time spent with
leg syndrome, or sleep apnea increases as we age – and can severely family and friends!
It’s time to get your sleep evaluated!
Oral Appliances:
A Comfortable Solution to
Sleep Apnea or Snoring
• Fatigue • Morning headaches If you have supplemental coverage,
• Drowsiness • Morning dry throat your treatment is 100% covered.
• Depression • Frequent nighttime bathroom visits
Text SLEEP to 650-2SLEEPY to take a free sleep assessment
Dr. Kent Smith of Sleep Dallas is board-certified in dental sleep
medicine and President of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy
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