Page 22 - 2020junejuly
P. 22


              s you wake up to your positive alarm clock, POWER UP,    by Mary Frances Hansen
              thinking  positive  thoughts  of  abundance,  healing,  joy,
        Ahappiness and what a great day you are going to have.  Be
        grateful you woke up and started counting your blessings. “Always
        count  your  blessings,  even  if  you  have  to  count  them  through   Modern  psychology  research  confirms  that
        tears.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)                            gratitude is an important social emotion that
                                                               can benefit the lives of religious people as well as non-religious
        A dear friend sent me an email with the most precious story I want   people.    Studies  show  that  being  thankful  will  enhance  your
        to share with you, my readers. It is priceless.! A group of students   well-being and is a powerful tool for strengthening interpersonal
        were asked what they thought the present Seven Wonders Of The   relationships.  Gratitude  can  create  social  networks  and  help
        World  were  today.  Though  there  were  some  disagreements,  the   individuals  work  towards  goals,  challenges  and  over  all....  have
        following received the most votes: 1. Grand Pyramids 2. Taj Mahal   stronger coping skills for life's hardships. Think about it.... when
        3. Grand Canyon 4. Panama Canal 5. Empire State Building 6. St   you  are  doing  something  for  someone  else  you  don't  have  time
        Peter's Basilica and 7. China's Great Wall. While the teacher was   to dwell on yourself or your problems. Personally, I love writing
        gathering the votes, she noticed one student had not finished her   thank you notes, sending cards, calling someone to check on them
        paper. She asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list.   or being a sounding board if they have a problem and need an ear
        The young girl replied, “Yes a little, because I couldn't quite make   to listen. Beautiful quote by Booker T. Washington, “Those who
        up my mind because there are so many.” The teacher said, “Well,   are  the  happiest  are  those  who  do  the  most  for  others.”    Being
        tell us what you have and maybe we can help.” The girl hesitated   grateful and thankful will help you physically and mentally to have
        before reading and said, “I think the Seven Wonders Of The World   a better life. I am my happiest when I am extending my hand to
        are: l. To See 2. To Hear 3. To Touch 4. To Taste 5. To Feel 6. To   help another person.
        Laugh 7. To Love.”
                                                               During this devastating time of uncertainty in our lives because of
        The room was so quite you could hear a pin drop.       the COVID-19, there are many lessons to be learned as we think
        As I pondered on these Seven Wonders Of The World, I personally   about what is really important in our lives. It has made me realize
        feel sometimes we overlook these simple and ordinary blessings   just how blessed I am by counting my blessings each day. We must
        we have been given and taken for granted.  A gentle reminder.......  continue  to  keep  a  positive  attitude  and  hope  as  we  face  many
        the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought   adversities in our lives and not let them defeat us. A meaningful
        by man.                                                quote by Nelson Mandela, “The greatest glory in living life is never
                                                               falling, but it is rising every time we fall.”  I am most thankful and
        “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has   grateful  for  each  day.  “Blessed  is  the  one  who  trust  in  God  and
        not, but rejoices for those he has.”(Epictetus)  Sometimes we forget   whose confidence is in Him!” (Jeremiah 17:7) Stay strong and may
        the value of a blessing or a moment until it becomes a memory.  God bless each of you, my readers, and keep you safe.

                Rose-Mary Rumbley • Al fike • rd foster

                           The Meadows Museum at SMU

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