Page 12 - 2020junejuly
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emember that old saying: “May you live in interesting by Katie Butler Johnson
times?” We’re there right now - soldiering through - one
Rday at a time.
ing down the center aisle of nature’s cathedral.
Future generations will study the Covid 19 Pandemic and won-
der what living during it was like. Books will be written about It had been years since I walked those streets. Neighbors have
us, about how our first responders rose to the challenge and about changed and houses look different. I’ve noticed many of the red
how the world changed. brick houses have been painted white with dark brown trim. I
feel kind of like a Rip Van Winkle – waking up to familiar yet
We never had total control over our lives. But, like many, I as- altered surroundings.
sumed I’d get to live my carefully planned tomorrows. This Pan-
demic has shaken up everything. It’s like we’re spinning in the At first, I would huff and puff as I approached the mile mark.
whirl of a snow globe. I wonder what life will look like when it Then I made it two miles. Now I’m almost up to 3.5. I’m getting
settles down. Until then, I’m learning I have to be flexible to get in fighting shape in case I have to battle the virus!
through it all.
The Internet has been a blessing during this time. I play bridge
Instead of trips away, I plan treks to Kroger; Instead of sharing a on the computer each afternoon. If you’re a bridge player, I hope
meal with friends at Cheddar’s, I meet them on Zoom for face- you’ve discovered Bridge Base Online. I’ve also been meeting
time; Instead of exercise class, I walk the neighborhood; Instead to socialize on Zoom with the Evening Stars - my performance
of days filled with activity, I’m settling into periods of reflection. group, with my book club and with family members.
I’m challenging myself to see just how long I can postpone gro- Speaking of the book club, I’ve a recommendation for you: “The
cery trips to Kroger. I’m making it 3 weeks! By then, most meals Book Woman of Troublesome Creek!” It’s a novel, set in the
are composed of orphan frozen foods and leftovers. Kentucky hills in the 1930’s, about a woman with a rare genetic
condition that turns her blue. She brings library books to the
Yesterday it was Christmas leftovers - sweet and sour meat balls rural people through Roosevelt’s WPA in the 1930’s. It’s well
– served on riced cauliflower with that remaining half bag of worth the read!
steamed Italian veggies. Not bad! I’ve discovered generous
amounts of butter and cheese plus a dash of Kroger’s Mild To- As I live through these days, I’m trying to adjustto what is.
matillo Salsa Verde greatly enhances random combos. (Unfortu- When I can’t do what I’d planned, I’m planning to do what I
nately, the addition of a generous amounts of dairy is also greatly can! It’s the same basic advice Dolly Parton gave us, but she
enhancing ME!) said it far more poetically: “We cannot direct the wind, but we
can adjust the sails.”
Before the virus, I did water aerobics and Drumba for exercise.
Both are on hiatus. So, I’ve started walking in my neighborhood. I’m trying to adjust those sails!
Seeing the dappled sunlight filter through the leaves of massive
oaks that meet above as I walk beneath makes me feel I’m walk- How about you?
If you receive Celebration Magazine’s emails or follow us on can walk you through the process, or you can go to any of the
Facebook, you would know that we have been regularly having Zoom Event pages at and view
fun in events like game shows, happy hours, and online learning an easy to follow video about how you too can join in on the fun
events on Zoom. Not familiar with Zoom? Well, let me tell you and use Zoom!
a little about it. See you soon, on ZOOM!
Zoom is an online video meeting tool, but can be used for so
much more! The best part about Zoom is how easy and safe
it is for anyone to use. If you’ve been invited to a meeting via
email all you do is click the link for the “meeting” and follow
the prompts to install the program on your computer, tablet, or
phone. After Zoom installs, it loads automatically and asks you
for permission to use your camera and microphone so others can
see and hear you.
It really is that simple. As always, we are here for you if you
need any help. You can call our office at 469-532-2622 and we
page 10 | celebrating life after 60!