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Celebrating and Honoring Debra Saxon

                                                                                      by Zoe Frost & Angelyn Horrell

               s Celebration Magazine enters its 10th anniversary   travel tour companies in existence, but none that offered the
               year,  it’s  an  opportunity  to  reflect,  appreciate,   specialized services seniors need.  She envisioned a higher
        A and  celebrate  the  amazing  journey  and  story  of   level of service, quality, and entertainment. Initially, she
        how Celebration came to be. Beloved by many seniors in   worked  with  agencies  to  help  arrange  the  trips,  but  none
        North Texas, Celebration has impacted our community in   could meet her standards of customer service.  It was at
        significant ways.                                      this time she told Greg, “Quit your job, you’re coming to
        Celebration Magazine was born as an idea in Debra Saxon’s   work with me!” This is how Debra and Greg became their
        brilliant mind. On the first day of her new job as an activity   own travel agency specializing in senior travel. Hundreds
        director in an independent living community, she realized   of seniors have traveled with Celebration to fabulous
        there was a void that desperately needed filled. While there   destinations such as Hawaii,  Alaska, Maine, Caribbean
        were resource guides about senior care, there was nowhere   cruises, and Canada. Devoted travelers love the way they
        to turn for information and entertainment for seniors who   are spoiled with all-inclusive experiences and keep coming
        lived an active life. That very day, Debra came home and   back for more.
        said  to  her  husband  Greg,  “I  am  going  to                    In November, Debra was honored by Altrusa
        have a magazine for the senior community                            International of Richardson as a nominee
        in  Dallas.”  Debra’s  heart  connected  with                       for  2019  Outstanding  Woman  of  Today.
        this idea and it continued to grow steadily.                        This distinguished honor was a beautiful
        Over the next few years, Debra spent time                           way to celebrate a remarkable woman who
        working in the senior industry, learning it                         uses  her  gifts  to  improve  the  lives  of  all
        top to bottom, while dreaming and planning                          who  encounter  her.    She  truly  has  a  heart
        what  would  soon  become  Celebration                              for serving others and uses Celebration
        Magazine.  In  2009,  Debra’s  co-worker                            Magazine as a platform to give back to the
        Carol  Cottle,  asked  her,  “What  would                           community  by  supporting  organizations
        you  be  doing  if  you  weren’t  here?”  Debra                     like  the  Lion’s  Cub,  SPAN,  Pajamas  for
        shared  her  vision  and  how  she  was  saving                     Seniors,  the  USO,  and  so  many  more.
        money  and  formulating  her  plan  to  start  a                    Congratulations  to  you,  Debra  Saxon,  on
        senior magazine that served active seniors                          this amazing honor. Your team, readers, and
        in  the Dallas  area.    With  excitement  and                      fans are so grateful that you followed your
        hope, Debra told Carol she was very close to saving what   dream to create Celebration Magazine.•
        she  needed  to  take  the  leap  and  start  making  her  dream
        become a reality.  That very next day, Carol walked into
        Debra’s  office  and  handed  her  an  envelope  with  a  check
        for the amount Debra needed to start the magazine. After
        giving her this amazing gift, Carol marched Debra into the
        director’s office and said: “She quits!”
        This gift was the final push that Debra needed to launch
        her dream and create the company that would soon be the
        “can’t live without” resource for thriving seniors. Through
        the years, Debra added another great program, Out&About,
        with Celebration Magazine, which is an entirely free
        monthly social club.   The magazine gives area seniors
        an outlet for socialization and education by offering fun
        events and information just for them!
        In 2018, the Celebration brand expanded to open The SPOT
        at Celebration in Richardson.  The magazine came to life
        with informational Lunch & Learns,  panel discussions, fun
        social events, and free group exercise for seniors. Not only
        are there scheduled events, but the doors of The SPOT at
        Celebration are open for visitors to grab a cup of coffee and
        visit during office hours.
        Debra had experience in planning and traveling with seniors
        from her time working in senior living, so she set out to add
        Celebration Senior Travel to the repertoire. Seniors love to
        travel, and as the magazine grew, the opportunity to branch
        into senior travel seemed like a natural fit.  There were

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