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Do You REALLY Wanna Know?
by Dave Friant
hristmas letters. Possibly venturing out on thin ice here
regarding my thoughts on these life updates received Here would be a portion of our only
Cduring the holiday season. With few exceptions, the task partially caricaturized reality:
of reading these ventures into the land of loftiness lines up just We find ourselves in only marginal
behind (pun intended) colonoscopy prep nights. They seem to health these days. Doc says a hip replacement for the Mrs. and
arrive most often from the rare contact extended family member my two bad knees need to be addressed soon. The diagnoses
or out-of-town friend; the ones who seem to take delight in keep us from our 20-minute “intensive” twice weekly workouts
drenching the readers with the favorable elements of their lives. at the YMCA.
The boastings more often than not have become tireless reads
year after year. Our overly anxious 8-year-old Aussie seems to be calmer
these days, given the appropriate dosages of “doggie
Sara Beth began ninth grade downers.” While innovative,
this year and continues her findings of new and not-
to master junior college so-remote areas of the house
coursework (nothing below for emergency urinations have
an “A” since the start of the been troublesome for us both.
first Obama Administration)
in anticipation of securing Six months of “I’m Not That
that expected full-ride to Talented Anymore, But It’s OK”
Harvard. She combined her therapy associated with leisure
academic achievements with sports proficiency seems to be
recognized volunteer work paying off for me. Tantrums
at the Adams County Animal on the golf course and at the
Shelter and athletic honors bowling alley are becoming
for being the junior varsity rare these days.
soccer goalie-of-the-year for Life for the maintainer of order
Seward ISD. in our home continues to be
Uncle Jesse secured a puzzling after her retirement as
Silver Medal in the annual an Ophthalmic Assistant. To
New England Regional combat her loss of professional
IRONMAN competition and identity, she can be seen
has again been cited by his roaming the common areas
board of directors as Hospital at shopping malls seeking
Administrator of the Year. candidates for free eye chart
reading evaluations.
Betsy, my best friend and wife
of 42 years, has again for 2019 Thirty years of home mortgage
been named Outstanding payments have recently been
Neighbor of the Year by our completed, and evaluations of
local HOA. Additionally, she quotes for major foundation
was a finalist in our church’s repairs are underway.
Alto of the Year competition. Sweet tea consumption
Now isn’t that just soooooo continues to result in elevated
special? pre-diabetic readings.
Polishing off cheese and
The visions of excellence are crackers just before bedtime
usually accompanied by cheesy remains the suspected culprit of
and bulk-purchased Christmas our clogged arteries.
cards, with the festive stamped-
on sender names appearing We travel when schedules
below the greeting. Any hint of a personal message or inquiry and money allow us to do so, enjoy going to “picture
about the lives of the readers? Rarely. Too many to prepare and shows” a few times per month, and chow down weekly at
not enough time during this special but hectic time of the year. eating establishments on “date nights.” Our bucket list is
reasonable and we enjoy crossing off completed undertakings.
Desired to be pored over are the happenings of life common to Availability for the needs of our children and grandkiddos
us all. The highlights and the concerns. These are the holiday remains a priority. Continuing efforts are underway to draw
readings worthy of more than just a glance. closer to folks our age. We view connectedness as crucial
If my bride and I saw fit to share the state of our union through during these days when matters of worth and pertinence are
a Christmas Letter, humor would have top billing. No efforts to being questioned.
conceal the cracks and crevices. We’re in the midst of continuing Happy sharing of Aunt Mildred’s fruitcake. Keep in touch.
to settle in and find our way during this new season of life. All
rosy? Hardly. A worthwhile pursuit? Definitely! Glad tidings to all!
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