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Reflections                                                                                                                Announcing

                                                                 by Katie Butler Johnson                                                                                                                          55+ ACTIVE ADULT
             hen my friend Allison was awaiting the birth of her first
        Wgrandchild,  she  asked  if  I  had  any  tips  on  how  to  be  a                                                                                                                                      APARTMENT HOMES
        That got me thinking: Although I’m no parenting expert and have   only life available for you. All the other lives are being lived by
        no academic credits in psychology or child development, I can   their owners.
        claim some credibility about the subject based on my 57 years of   If we truly listen to our children and grandchildren, they will tell
        parenting. I am mom of four, granny of ten and great-granny of   us just who they are. Time spent lecturing them about who we                                retirement of
        two.  Here are some things I told Allison based on what I learned   think they should be will only distance them from us. Bottom                    the
        over my years of “on-the-                                                          line:  Leave  the  parenting  to
        job“ training.                                                                     the  parents.  We  get  the  fun
        My      grandmother-in-                                                            part – grandparenting!                                                                                         property
        law was staying with us                                                            Build  sand  castles;  sing
        shortly after the birth of                                                         songs;  bake  cookies;  read
        our  first  son.  He  cried  a                                                     books  to  them;  dance  with
        lot. She‘d swoop in, pick                                                          them;  serve  them  pizza  for
        him  up,  sit  in  the  rocker                                                     breakfast;   trumpet   their
        and soothe him before                                                              successes;   soothe   their
        I  had  a  chance  to  do  it.                                                     disappointments;  take  them                                                                                                      taxes.
        She became  convinced                                                              on trips; be present for their
        his   crying  signaled                                                             life  events;  be  magical;  be
        something  very wrong                                                              your unique self!                                 .
        and  fretted  repeatedly
        that  he  needed  a  doctor.                                                       Bottom  line:  Be  more  than
        Having     successfully                                                            just a name that  fills a line
        raised an accomplished                                                             on their genealogy chart. Be
        son,  she  was  the  expert.                                                       a  loving  memory  engraved
        I was the novice, new to                                                           forever in their hearts.
        this mothering bit. I didn’t
        think his crying signaled anything amiss. But, I was intimidated
        and didn’t have confidence enough to trust my gut feeling.
        Off we went to the pediatrician.
        My gut was right! Luckily that doctor’s visit wasn’t wasted. The
        pediatrician took me aside and gave me valuable advice. He told
        me young mothers should understand that nature retires a woman
        from  parenting  just  when  she  thinks  she’s  gotten  the  hang  of
        it. Those retirees are eager to exercise their hard-earned child-                                                          You’re Invited!                              Break free with us.
        rearing skills when their grandchildren come along. He explained
        that her actions weren’t meant to question my parenting ability                                                          Mix & Mingle with Us!
        but an attempt to be involved, helpful and relevant.                                                                                                                  Maintenance-free living that o	 ers
        Newly minted parents are particularly vulnerable to perceived
        criticism. They’ve read all the books and are eager to be perfect                                                        Every Tuesday in April                         the freedom to live life carefree.
        parents. They often hear well-meaning but unsolicited advice as
        criticism of their parenting skills.                                                                                               4PM – 6PM
        So, my advice to Allison was: Step back. Parents need time to                                                                                                                        • Lock & Leave lifestyle
        bond with their addition(s). Give them space to adjust to their                                                               Complimentary Light
        new reality.  Be available, but wait to be asked before stepping                                                                  Bites & Drinks
        in. I think the grandparent role is akin to that of the mother of                                                                                                     • Modern 1- to 2-bedroom apartment homes
        the groom at a wedding: Be available; Be joyful; Don’t criticize.                                                               Learn About Our                                      • Resort-style amenities
        And above all remember: New parents get to do it their way.                                                                   Beautiful Community
        They get to name the baby; make all the decisions; and establish                                                                                                          • Innovative programs and events daily
        their own traditions. Their choices may not be our choices, our                                                                 Meet New Friends
        ways or our traditions. We shouldn’t guilt them into accepting                                                                                                              • Lots of new friends and neighbors
        ours. Accept theirs.
        Some grandparents are so eager to bond with their grandchildren
        they  risk  intruding  and  enmeshing  themselves  into  their                                                                                                     
        children’s lives. Don’t helicopter around that young family, but                                                              RSVP TODAY!
        do jet in if requested and needed. Live your own life. It’s the

       page 44  |                                                                                                         Overture is an equal housing opportunity. Amenities and services vary by location. Photo of Overture resident(s). See a Greystar representative for details.
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